Boarding pass series goes to: Little Rock, Arkansas!!!
The destination, the when(s), and the reason(s)
A pretty unlikely destination, you may think, but I went there for a few months for business around 2001. Bill Clinton’s presidency had just ended and the presidential library would be located in this town which seemed to have gotten on the “national mindset map” when he first ran for President.
The airline
Delta was graced with my “passengership” as it was the only airline offering a direct flight. And ilivetotravel is fond of direct flights!
What fascinated me about this experience
Well, small town as it was relative to Atlanta, Little Rock positively surprised me (fascinated may be too strong a word). We stayed at the Doubletree downtown and it was neat to be able to run downtown by the Arkansas River and around the Central Business District early in the morning. The commute to work was not bad and we found a great place to eat Mexican food and enjoy margaritas. So, though not Paris or DC, we managed to find a way to enjoy this southern town while business took us there!
I find small towns can be really delightful and interesting because I don’t know much about them so I learn a lot when I’m there. *Everyone* knows about the Statue of Libery in New York, but I didn’t know about the Edson Squirrel until I drove through Edson, Alberta! Having a nice visit to a place you didn’t know was ‘nice’ is always a good thing.

Heather recently posted..What Really Goes on in Torrington’s Gopher Holes
I’ve heard good things about Little Rock too! Might have to add it to my list. And, you’re lucky being in Atlanta. Basically everything is direct on Delta:)
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