Pink macaron has Angelina Jolie lips. The purple macaron has macaron-envy. The pink macaron sticks its tongue out. Instigator. The wine glass stays out of it – so Switzerland.
From the Sofitel Water Tower in Chicago during the Windy City Tweetup.
very cute! love
Ha ha, good one!
Before I even read the caption, I thought it looked like a there was a tongue being stuck out. You clever creature. 😉
🙂 Those macaroons talked to me!
Lol, I like the commentary. 🙂
Gina recently posted..One Day in Napa
Glad you liked it! I had fun posting it!
Macarons in Japan are a popular confection known as “makaron”.There is also a version of the same name which substitutes peanut flour for almond and is flavored in wagashi style, widely available in Japan…,”.