My Favorite Nativity Sets

I am not typically focused during my travels on picking a particular item from every place I go.  (OK, maybe a beer glass but I am not consistent with that one…)  But if an item really catches my eye in a certain category, I do buy it.  Nativity scenes (“pesebres” in Spanish) is one of those categories.  I especially like the ones from Andean countries which you will see below.  Here are my favorite ones with special emphasis on one of them.

Nativity scene made from glass

Only exception in the bunch: this was a gift I was given, source unknown

Nativity scene from Poland - Christmas

From Poland

Nativity scene from Peru - Christmas

From Peru

Nativity scene from Chile - Christmas

From Chile

Now to a series of pictures from a nativity scene from Panama.

Nativity scene from Panama - Christmas

Nativity scene from Panama – the entire set

Nativity scene from Panama - baby Jesus, Christmas

Baby Jesus

Nativity scene from Panama

One of those who came to adore baby Jesus

Nativity scene from Panama - Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary

Nativity scene from Panama - Joseph


Here is hoping to many more still to be discovered and happy new year to all!!!


Read some about the trips when I acquired the Nativity sets:

Poland:  Visiting Krakow, Czestochowa, the Wieliczka salt mines, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Wadowice.

ChileSantiago, Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales, the Atacama Desert, Torres del Paine, Patagonia, Valley of the Moon, and the Tatio Geysers.

PeruLima, Huaraz and Ancash, Puno, Cuzco, and Lake Titicaca.

PanamaPanama, Panama City


  1. What a nice collection. Pesebres are pretty but the meaning of it is what makes them beautiful. Of those posted, my favorite one is Peru, different.

  2. What a beautiful collection of Nativities and loved your presentation of them–allowing your readers to travel around the world to experience different cultures. I think my favorite is from Poland but the glass Nativity at the top is exquisite!
    Jeff Titelius recently posted..ArtSmart Roundtable – the Emergence of Gothic ArchitectureMy Profile

    • Thanks, Jeff! I enjoy displaying them at Christmas time and hate they are boxed up the rest of the year! Good thing is that for me Christmas ends on Jan 6th not earlier 🙂

  3. Dear Sir,
    I’m a collector of nativity world from Italy. I’m interesting to have a nativity from Panamà. Could you tell me some informationn to buy it? I visited your page and I like it.
    I wait your news,
    thank you
    best regards
    Carlo Castellini

  4. Shelley Tholen says

    I love your collection. I am looking for a copper nativity set from Chile. it is very important to me. My son is there for two years serving a mission. I have seen these beautiful copper nativities from Chile. I have several from around the world. I needed one from Japan as well. I finally got my Kokeshi nativity from there. Do you know where I could possibly find a copper nativity from Chile? Thank You

    • Shelley, that’s an interesting one. Not that I searched over and over when I was in Chile a few years ago, but I don’t recall seeing a copper one. In Chile, the Dominicos crafts shops in Santiago would be a good place to check out but it seems you are trying to find it over here which would be harder… I don’t have any suggestions here in the U.S., sorry!

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