Photo of the Week – Sunset over Alta

A decade or so ago, I tried skiing in Alta, Utah for the first and only time. But it is not only because I did not like it: I LOVED it. But the friends I ski with live in Colorado and when I’ve gone to visit and go ski, they have chosen ski areas closer to them (and I am not complaining: I’ve discovered many a place I like there too).

Among the many things I loved about my time in Alta was the time we went up in a cat to a ridge to watch the sun set. A relative of my friends worked grooming slopes so he got special permission to take us up on a fun ride to the ridge.

Nothing like a beautiful sunset!
sunset, Alta, Utah, ski, mountains, beautiful, scenery, photo


  1. Beautiful shot. Love capturing a sunset anytime I have the chance, especially in winter.
    Aaron recently posted..Walking the Market on Pike Street in Seattle.My Profile

  2. Great picture and good times :-).

  3. Cool shot, you know me and sunsets. Never been on a cat ride . How cool was that !?
    Karl recently posted..Where to do laundry in AmsterdamMy Profile

    • It was awesome, Karl! At times I felt the cat was about to roll back due to the steep hills we were going on – it was a thrill. We just had to hold on tightly to our drinks 🙂

  4. Beautiful photo, cool blog! I see that you’re an active traveler. Care to visit Montana and swing by the Glacier National Park? Views are unmatched and the hikes are amazing. You will love it! (And there’s skiing, too)

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