Camino Packing and Training Tips

The Camino de Santiago has become a very popular destination/experience for many around the world, especially after the movie “The Way” hit the movies screens and as more people do it.  People of all ages and nationalities gravitate to this, as did I and a group I traveled with last summer to hike the Camino.  So far, I have written about each of our 7 days in a series of posts (start here with Day 1). But I’d thought I’d devote some time to sharing Camino packing and training tips.

While this is not an exhaustive treatise on each of the topics, it should give you a good high-level understanding on training.  I hope it also helps you develop a good packing list with what to wear and items you will need.  Please feel free to ask questions or suggest your own tips via the comments section below.

Camino de Santiago, Spain, trekking, hiking, camino packing training tips

Camino, Santiago, Spain, old church, camino packing training tips, travel, trekking

How fast can you do the Camino de Santiago

How strenuous the day is on the Camino de Santiago depends on how much ground you plan to cover on a given day.  If you are young (read: in your 20s or early 30s), you likely think you can attack the Camino and do over 20 miles a day, perhaps 30.  That’s crazy talk.  Yes, you physically may be able to but a couple of things:

1.  After a couple of days of pushing this way, your body will let you know how crazy that was.  I have heard the horror stories.  Don’t be over-ambitious.

2.  More importantly, you are missing the point of the Camino.  Yes, getting to the destination is the “aim.”  But the point is to be on a journey, a pilgrimage (whether spiritual or emotional).  Moving at the speed of sound renders this experience as just checking an item off the bucket list.  Which, if it is all it is for you, then fast speed might as well be your friend because you will get bored not seeing it as an experience for such a long way.  No judgment here, just saying that soaking it in is probably best.

The answer to this question could also depend on how much of the Camino are you planning to cover.  I only had a week and had to do the minimum distance to get the Compostela (the famous certificate granted to provide pilgrims with proof that they did indeed make it to Santiago de Compostela).  Therefore, I had to make sure I covered the distance.  Yet, I had enough time to sit for leisurely lunches and also not have to wake up at the crack of dawn.  I’d peg my speed at the mid-point with my max distance on a given day around 12-14 miles.

How to train to do the Camino

Let’s start the packing and training tips for doing the Camino with the latter.  The Camino is not Everest Base Camp or Mt. Kilimanjaro but that does not mean it is easy.  The challenges posed by the Camino are different than those epic climbs.  While altitude is a factor in those hikes, that is not the case with the Camino.

The mountains or hills faced in the Camino will not compare to hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu or getting to Uhuru Peak in Mt. Kilimanjaro.  But if you walk more than the minimum distance required to get the Compostela, you will need to prepare for some good climbs.  And the corresponding downhills (always fun on the delicate knees of a hiker…).

The final factor to keep in mind is that while there may not be tons of steep hills nor altitude, this hike puts a lot of stress on your feet.  When I climbed Kilimanjaro, the distances walked on a given day were well in the single-digits in terms of miles (maybe it got to double digits in kilometer-land).  Yes, it was difficult due to low oxygen and steepness but it was not brutal on my feet.  Don’t get me wrong, when I would arrive at camp, I was desperate to take off my boots!  But the Camino is much more unforgiving when it comes to your feet.  They take a beating, so make sure they keep on ticking.

What to consider to build your Camino packing list

Before I get into the key items for your Camino packing list, clearly whether you are carrying all your stuff on your back or not makes a big difference.  Yes, there is an option to NOT carry it all yourself from place to place!  Now, that may not be your style and all that, and that’s OK.  But, for some, it is the way to go and it was for me 🙂

Regardless of how you do it, I will still issue the same warning:  don’t over-pack.  You will be amazed at how little you can get by with.  A lot less than you think.  And worst comes to worst, you can go to a local store along the way and buy what you need…

But I also say that because going on this journey, in my view, is about changing some parameters about our lives.  Develop new insights, clear our heads, have new experiences, and -hopefully- be renewed in whatever way we may need to.  So, with all that said, here are some things that I deemed important to take along my Camino…

What to pack for the Camino


  • Good walking shoes or boots.  Without good shoes that you have broken in BEFORE the Camino, you will be in trouble.  Don’t be cheap about this item.  Cheap out on the camera or other items but not on this, my friends!  These could be boots or walking shoes.  The former gives you better ankle protection.  The latter may feel more comfortable.  You may want both to alternate.  After many days of wearing the same show, you may long for a different pair…  Up to you (as are all the tips I share here!).  Certainly, I would say, get waterproof in case it rains.

  • Along with the shoes, go non-cotton socks.  What good is a pair of proper and broken in walking shoes if you are going to just slap on cotton socks?  Cotton socks are an invitation for blisters and the painful fun that means for the few days after you develop them.  Wool socks and, ideally, liners complete the most important focus of your gear list:  your feet.
  • Now, if the socks and shoes don’t do it and a blister seems imminent (sometimes blisters just develop…), you must quickly take action to prevent the blister from materializing. At that point, you want to protect the spot where you are beginning to feel the burning (which is exactly what you feel BEFORE the blister arrives). The simplest and cheapest solution is to place a small piece of duct tape on that spot on your foot. Yes, stop, take footwear off and apply the small patch of duct tape – don’t wait.  So duct tape is a must-carry on any hike with the added side benefit that you can repair other things with it as needed. But don’t carry the roll, for goodness’ sake! Wrap duct tape on a pencil or on your hiking pole and you will save space and weight.
  • In case things go too far and you develop a blister, a blister repair kit is a good idea to bring along.  I was the beneficiary of a fellow’s trekker blister “repair” kit coming down Kilimanjaro and became a believer.  I don’t recall the brand I used on the Camino but the item below is the one I bought for my next hike in Patagonia.


Now we can get past all things feet.  From a clothing standpoint, the usual advice applies here.

  • Layers.  The weather can vary and some high spots can get very cold.  And depending on the time of year, it could get quite warm during the day.  So plan to have layers which help manage the changes you may experience throughout the day.
  • Waterproof.  At some point, you may encounter rain so you want proper rain gear which might as well also serve as wind-breaking gear.  In terms of things to wear, make sure it is really waterproof (Gore-Tex). Waterproof also refers to protecting the contents of your backpack, whether by placing a bag over your backpack or putting the contents of your backpack in plastic bags.  Your choice!
  • Wicking.  Since you may not be carrying one-for-every-day in the underwear category and to help your skin remain “un-irritated”, wicking underwear is a good idea.  It removes humidity before sweat covers your skin which prevents bad odors.  And, hence, should you decide to wear them more than once between washings, then at least you know you will not smell!  Because my hike was only 7 days, I had underwear for every day but I still used wicking underwear for the comfort of not developing chaffing, etc.

  • Temperatures.  Plan for a range of temperatures.  This ties to the layers bit but also realize that, at night when you are not hiking, you may want to sit outdoors and it may get chilly at night, even in the summer depending on the weather system on a given day in your area.  So some light jacket in the summer may be appropriate for the evenings; perhaps more substantial at other times of the year
  • Comfort.  Be sure the materials you wear are comfortable to you.  During 6-8 hours of hiking, you want to be comfortable not itching or something else.  When you get to the next town, you WILL want those walking shoes off and will love slipping into some flip flops, sandals or running shoes or whatever other comfortable footwear you like.  Bring only one of those, no need to overdo it, but allow yourself this luxury!  (Flip flops could be handy to shower in communal showers if that’s your accommodation style!)


  • Hunger avoidance devices (read: snacks).  You will not hungry on this trek!  Plenty of places to stop and get a snack or a meal at very reasonable prices.  Carrying two boxes of protein or granola bars is wasted weight and space and, more importantly, keeping you from sampling local foods and snacks.  So, just carry what you buy locally or just stop along the way!
  • A camera!  You can certainly opt for a different kind of travel if you are not drawn to capturing memories in this manner.  Journaling, for example, may be a better way for some.  For yours truly, though, the imagery of a place not only captures my attention but is also a way I use to be able to share what I experience.  Along with this go the requisite battery charger or extra batteries and an appropriate number of SD cards 🙂  I do like the wifi SD card which allows me to transfer photos out of my SD card onto another device (good for backup or to clear memory on the SD card).
  • Toiletries and accessories.  Yep, you know what this list is about (toothbrush, deodorant, etc.) so no need to detail it nor give you too much advice.  But I will call out some things…  First, bring travel-sized items.  Second, see how much stuff you can live without.  Do you really need a hair dryer?  (No judgment implied!)  Finally, some items I will recommend…  Some hand lotion/moisturizer is a good idea.  Chapstick is a must.  Also, some antibacterial liquid (e.g., Purell) is a must along,  Finally, add wipies to the list but no need to bring more than a handful per day, actually.
  • First aid.  While there are kits out there, I just go with common sense and practical.  There are drug stores and the like in the towns you will pass so no need to overdo it.  Some band-aids, some anti-diarrhea meds in case you can’t make it to them town (no one had troubles of this sort in our group), some anti-inflammatory in case something hurts (knees, for example), and the like should make a good kit.  As a packing tip, I used ziploc bags that are half of the regular sandwich bag to pack meds.  This eliminated the need to carry bottles which can occupy more space.  Whether you want to get Cipro (digestive system antibiotic), Ambien (to sleep) or anything else, it is up to you and your doctor.  I took none of those meds though I take Cipro when I go to some destinations.  Of course, if you are taking prescription drugs, bring those and write down somewhere the main ingredient (vs. the medication name).  If something happens and you need to get more locally, the main ingredient is what you need.
  • Night light.  If you will be sleeping in shared accommodations, this comes in handy to minimize disrupting others’ sleep and/or preventing you from tripping in the middle of the night as you make a night run to the restroom 🙂  I prefer headlamps like this one so I can be “hands-free”; please don’t make me explain why 🙂

  • Backpack.  Please, whatever you do, do not bring a Swiss Army backpack (well-designed as they are for the frequent traveler) or, even worse, your college backpack.  You will be likely carrying more weight than you are used to.  And, I guarantee, that your back and shoulders will appreciate you bringing a backpack with a waist strap and a chest strap to help distribute the impact of the load  on your upper body.  Plus be sure the main straps and the backpack have some padding where they will touch your body.  Remember, it is many days of carrying it so be good to yourself.  And size does matters, when it comes to backpacks.  Will the size you get be able to fit all that you will carry on your back every day?  Remember, if you want the convenience, there are services that every day pick up your luggage and deliver it to the next place you will stay (if you know in advance).  With this option, you only carry what you need during your walk.  Bottom line:  figure out how much you need the backpack to carry (don’t forget to account for the water!) and then choose a size.

  • Backpack cover.  Along with this, have something ready to cover your backpack if it rains.  Trust me, no matter what they say, water will get in if it rains enough (e.g., think of the zippers).  You can buy a backpack cover (some backpacks come with it) or, save money and bring a nice size, good quality trash bag or maybe even just a cheap poncho.  Additionally, a way to prevent stuff getting wet is by packing items in large ziplocs before placing them within your backpack.  Remember that you are on the go and it may not always be easy or possible to dry any items that get wet.

Need any other Camino packing and training tips?

Alright, there is likely more to be said and advice to be given for someone planning their Camino packing and training.  More than likely, I will make some edits in the future.  In the meantime, feel free to share your thoughts, ask questions, etc. in the comments section.  Remember, your questions or suggestions will likely benefit other readers!  And if you want an Excel version of my Camino packing list (with a lot of the smaller items), leave me a comment and I will send to you.

Buen Camino!

Want to see what every day was like?  Click on the day and read on!  Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6 and Day 7

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Doing the Camino de Santiago | Day 1 from Sarria to Barbadelo

As I explained in an earlier post, I had limited time for doing the Camino de Santiago as I was also spending time before the trek doing work with a children’s center in Morocco.  So, instead of starting on the French side of the Spain-France border as many do to get to Santiago de Compostela, we started in Sarria, west of León, 110 kms from the end point in Santiago de Compostela.  How long does the Camino take, then, depends on the approach you take.  Just with these two possible routes, the difference is considerable.

Doing the Camino de Santiago starting in Sarria

From my starting point, Sarria, it would take us a week to reach the destination of this pilgrimage.  Had we started on the French border, it would have taken about thirty days.  That would have required crossing the Pyrenees, not easy I hear.  Clearly, any starting point in between, would take somewhere in the middle.  Of course, your own pace will also affect how long it takes.  I would like to think, our pace was average.

Camino de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, hiking, pilgrimage in Spain, doing the Camino, how hard is the Camino

The first marker of our hike: the 110 kilometer marker!

Before we started doing the Camino de Santiago

The itinerary though had us visiting O Cebreiro and Samos (site of an important monastery) prior to starting the trek.  The early-day visits did not leave us much time on day 1 to hike.  So we hiked a very short distance that day going from Sarria to Barbadelo, a small town with a very nice small hotel “Casa Barbadelo” where we spent the night.  No matter what, we were excited to get going!

Camino, Santiago, Compostela, trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow, travel, photo, Olympus

Our group in Sarria, about to start the Camino!  Notice the yellow arrows always showing “the” way!

I am certainly glad to have seen O Cebreiro and Samos before we got going.  However, it sure made for a long day on the road.  Therefore, I was, along with my fellow trekkers, eager to get on the Camino for real.  Though the hike that day was very short (1.5 hours or so), it was a good warm-up.

Camino, Santiago, Compostela, trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow, travel, photo, shell, Samsung Galaxy

The ever-present shell of the Camino – you see it anywhere in Europe where the Camino goes through!

Camino, Santiago, Compostela, trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow, travel, photo, Olympus

The way forward marked by the sign and the yellow arrow (and some graffiti)!

What the trail was like on this first day

The terrain we crossed went by some major highway but it was very rural and lush, crossing farms along the way.  It felt isolated enough for one to contemplate life – within and outside each of us.  During the trek, we sometimes clung together as we walked, chatting or quietly.  Other times, we separated a little bit though always staying within sight of each other.  It was not about someone wanting to get there faster or someone being too slow.  It was just that sometimes each of us may have wanted to feel a little “aloneness” (not the same as “loneliness” in my book).

Camino, Paredes, Santiago, Compostela, trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow, travel, bridge, photo, Canon EOS Rebel

Highway near Paredes; the infrastructure looks modern and well kept

Camino, Santiago, Compostela, trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow, travel, photo, Canon EOS Rebel

Very lush lands between Sarria and Barbadelo

The highlight of the short walk that day was crossing a 12th century bridge named the Aspera bridge that crosses the Celeiro River.  How many people, pilgrims and locals alike, have trodden its weathered surface over almost a millennium…  Humbling thought.

Aspera, bridge, Ceileiro river, Camino de Santiago, Compostela, trekking, sarria start, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow,

The Aspera bridge (and the ever-present yellow arrows!)

One of the best parts of doing the Camino de Santiago is what comes when the day ends!

We did enjoy arriving at Casa Barbadelo where we shared three rooms among eight of us.

Barbadelo, Camino, Santiago, Compostela, trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow, travel, photo, Samsung Galaxy

Approaching Casa Barbadelo

The rooms at Casa Barbadelo were basic but spacious.  In addition, the buildings in Casa Barbadelo were quite new and the hotel grounds were nice.  To boot, the hotel even had a pool, though we did not opt in.

Barbadelo, Camino, Santiago, Compostela, trekking, hiking, pilgrimage, Spain, yellow arrow, travel, photo, Samsung Galaxy

The front yard of Casa Barbadelo – note the outdoor seating area on the right

We enjoyed a GREAT meal and lots of good laughs that night accompanied (or triggered?) by one or two glasses of sangria.  A perfect ending to a long but short (does that make sense?!), easy first day on the Camino de Santiago!

If you want to see what the next day was like doing the Camino de Santiago, go on to day 2!

For tips on how to pack for this awesome trek, read here.

On a different topic, the work I did before the trek was in Morocco, in the coastal town of Essaouira.  It was a Morocco I could not envision.  A town I could easily spend months in.  Not the usual chaos of Marrakesh or other towns.  Check it out!

Pin this image to your planning board if you are thinking of doing the Camino de Santiago.  Or just if you want to bookmark this post!

Camino de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela, hiking, pilgrimage in Spain, doing the Camino, how hard is the Camino

2010 – a Holy Year on the Camino de Santiago!

2010 is a Holy Year (aka Jubilee year) on the Camino de Santiago… so, if you are looking for an interesting and unique travel experience, why not walk 500 miles across Northern Spain…on an ancient pilgrimage route…and if you do it in 2010, you’ll probably be joining 200,000 or more other people!!

In 2010, the feast day for St. James (the patron saint of Spain and the name sake of the Camino de Santiago) falls on a Sunday – a fact that always draws larger crowds to the trail.

Now, if by chance you’re reading this post and thinking “what the heck is this guy talking about?” – no worries, just check out our other post on the Camino de Santiago.

If this is not enough, check out a web site I maintain that provides even more information on the Camino de Santiago (I also have links to You Tube Videos of the trip).

Buen Camino!

30 Days on El Camino de Santiago

Camino icon

Camino icon

Guest post by my friend and fellow traveler, Chris Sanders.

I first learned of the Camino de Santiago by watching an interview of Shirley MacClain on CNN’s Larry King show some years ago. I wasn’t even sure I knew who she was to be honest, but I listened with interest as she described a long distance hike – a pilgrimage – she had just completed across Spain – a hike she did alone but in the company of thousands of others on the same route. The experience sounded appealing to me and so I filed the idea away in my mind –to be resurrected sometime in the future…sometime when I had free time…lots of free time….like a month or so off of work!

Well, long story short – within a few months of watching the interview on CNN, I found myself in Spain on the Camino de Santiago, compliments of a leave of absence from my company. I started in the small town of St Jean Pied de Port, France and walked 500 miles to the city of Santiago de Compostela in 30 days flat. Oh, did I mention that I had never been to Spain, I didn’t speak Spanish…nor had I ever really hiked…except for perhaps the half-day hike up Mt. Blood in North Georgia???

Ok, by now you probably want to know more about the Camino de Santiago…so here are the basic facts:

What is the Camino de Santiago? – The Camino de Santiago (or “Way of St. James” in English) is a medieval pilgrimage to the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela. The cathedral in Santiago is the burial place of St. James – one of the 12 Disciples of Christ in the Christian religion. Though once a strictly religious pilgrimage, the Camino today attracts people of all beliefs.
Where do I start and how long is the Camino? – There are many popular Camino routes…the most popular is the 500 mile stretch called the Camino Frances. The Camino Frances starts in the small town of St. Jean Pied de Port (on the French side of the Pyrenees) and continues across Northern Spain – through cities such as Pamplona, Burgos, and Leon.
How many people do the Camino each year and who are they? – Believe it or not, thousands of people walk all or a portion of the Camino each year. According to statistics reported by the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, more than 114,000 people arrived in Santiago in 2007.
Where do I sleep? – The Camino passes through endless cities, towns and small hamlets. The choice of where to sleep is a personal one – most people choose to stay in refugios, which are dormitory style accommodations often housed in monasteries and other old buildings. If you are into more luxurious accommodations, there are plenty of small hotels, Inns, and boarding houses along the way.
To get a glimpse of my Camino experience, check out my video on You Tube:
I could go on and on writing about the Camino de Santiago…its one of my favorite subjects! But we’d rather hear your thoughts and questions. Have you walked the Camino? If so, tell us about your experience. If you are interested in learning more about the Camino or have questions, ask away!
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