I have been flying since I was a pup and that is when I first got a boarding pass. However, my first time on a plane was around 3 months old though I do not remember it – or the boarding pass Thankfully, that will not happen against thanks to my boarding pass collection!
My earliest travels
My first destination was San Juan, Puerto Rico. I flew again when I was 6 but I do not remember the plane part though I am sure it was exciting for a 6-year old boy to get on a plane (on the flip side, I remember a lot about visiting Disney!). The first flight I actually remember was when I was 8 years old when I flew alone from San Juan, PR to Miami, FL. I remember getting on the plane and running into someone who worked with my Mom. I remember the flight attendant taking care of me. It was an ADVENTURE!!!!!

Since then I have flown countless airlines (over 50), to go a multitude of airports (maybe a hundred or so?), and had my fair share of the good, the bad, and the ugly in terms of inflight experience (talking about both airlines AND fellow passengers…). I have been on airlines that have lasted decades (Delta, Lufthansa, Air France) and on others that disappeared (PanAm, TWA) and on others that are barely a blip in airline history (Kiwi).
Flying has been a part of my life all along and I have the evidence to prove it… A couple of years after traveling weekly for work, I opened a drawer at home and realized I had been dumping boarding passes in it – and had a good collection. So I found a box and continued the habit. To this day. Here is how a sample of my flights looks like – in boarding passes!

——————————————————————————————————————-Some of the boarding pass series:
– Denver
– Istanbul
Do you have any cool boarding passes? Leave a comment with any that are especially priceless for you! I especially like those from now-defunct airlines. I also like them when they are/were colorful. The boring plain black & white en vogue these days in the name of costs savings really are a big downer for a boarding fan like me. And even the ink used wears out over time. While I appreciate technology innovation and what e-boarding passes allow, I still print mine at the airport to keep adding to my collection. Yep, I live to travel as you have noticed
I keep mine in wooden boxes that I have bought during my travels or have been given by my Mom from her travels. Once in a blue moon, it’s fun to open one of those small boxes and remember trips from near and far trips!