Photo Essay: The Tiled Roofs of Dubrovnik

Tiled roofs seldom tell such a vivid story as they do in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  Stories of war.  Stories of reconstruction.  The war of the early 1990s destroyed most of the tiled roofs of this jewel of the Adriatic.  Not enigmatic like Venice but inviting, though both are definitely charming in distinct ways.

I wrote earlier about the charms of this Adriatic town loaded with history from older times and recent times.  Its emblematic roofs catch your eye from up high as you approach the town from the airport.

Dubrovnik, Croatia: a sea of red/orange tiles surrounded by the sea

It is quite a view even if this photo is not the best as it was taken from a moving bus.  Walking along the old walls that surround the town is one of the best things to do to see the town from a very unique angle that most cities do not offer.  From there, the tiled roofs caught my eye in a different way.  This post will share some of those roofs, the new and old (most are new, repairs from the most recent war) as I keep pondering the stories the town could tell us…  Enjoy them!

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tiled roof of Dubrovnik, Croatia


  1. Wow, very cool roofs and so much different from our boring tiles here in America.
    Traveling Ted recently posted..Adventure travel bars are never hard to findMy Profile

  2. I love the details of these roofs. Great idea to do this essay. It’s something most people wouldn’t think about doing.
    Leah Travels recently posted..Walking in FlorenceMy Profile

  3. Loved this post. I have great memories of Dubrovnik. Would love to go back
    @mrsoaroundworld recently posted..A bit of Lisbon loveMy Profile

  4. The colors of the tiles are incredible.. so rustic. We didn’t get to visit Croatia on this trip to Eastern Europe but will definitely return when it’s warmer. 🙂
    Kieu ~ GQ trippin recently posted..Seeing Prague on SegwayMy Profile

    • Kieu, definitely plan for it and other coastal areas of Croatia. Warning though: at peak times, Dubrovnik I am sure will be a slightly different experience than what I had in April!

  5. Very cool – love your work. Brings back some wonderful memories of Croatia and Dubrovnik.
    Anita Mac recently posted..Top 5 Travel Experiences from 2012My Profile

  6. You are diligent in photographic those tiled roofs. When I was in Dubrovnik, I never noticed those roofs. Thank you for having a blog about this one.

  7. Europe never disappoints you with its extremely rich and beautiful architecture. Dubrovnik has got the most beautiful and stylish tile roofs I must say.

  8. Wow, what a captivating post! Your vivid descriptions of Dubrovnik’s tiled roofs and their rich history truly transported me to this charming Adriatic town. I appreciate how you highlighted the stories of war and reconstruction, shedding light on the resilience of the people and the significance of these roofs.

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