Exploring Wineglass Bay in Tasmania

Our exploration of Tasmania in no time continued on Day 3.  After taking breakfast overlooking Coles Bay, we wasted little time in getting going to see Wineglass Bay, which some call the best beach in Australia (I am sure there are many who may not agree; I certainly don’t know much about Australian beaches to opine conclusively!).

Again, Getting There Is Half the Fun

Yes, Wineglass Bay beach is not of the type where you drive up and park next to the beach with your cooler, chairs, bodysurfing board, bags of food, etc.  Nor is it the type where you walk a few blocks to get to, similarly loaded with things.  And what a good thing it is that it is neither!

To get there one embarks on a 1.5 hr or so hike.  Of course, there is a lookout available way up higher than the trail to the beach so we made our way to the lookout for a good view of the beach.  The path to the lookout is really not much higher than the highest point on the trail on the way to the beach so if you are making to the beach might as well climb a few more steps to the lookout!  The view is quite worth the small extra effort.

Gorgeous Wineglass Bay

We were discussing why it may be called Wineglass Bay.  As we had no computer access except the kiosk at the hotel and, as we were not about to get on a computer anyway, we speculated on the why.  Our main theory is that the shape of the bay does look like a wineglass but the cup part of it.  That is, it may be more appropriate to have called it Stemless Wineglass Bay but we realize that does not quite flow out as easily and musically as Wineglass Bay so we accepted the poetic license.

After the lookout, we descended into the beach itself.  As most beaches, just the sound of waves itself is a reward but the setting of this beach is indeed quite spectacular.  It was nice to hang out and soak in the view and sounds, as well as rest from the effort to get there so we could do it in reverse!

At Wineglass Bay

The Other Half of the Fun?

The other half of the fun, if I put aside my attempts at artistic picture-taking, could be the sandsurfing on a tiny sand “dune” of 3 ft in height.  After a few times doing it and getting it on video, we had a good amount of sand in our shoes.  Good for me, I had thick socks so I didn’t really notice or care – until I got my boots off at the hotel that evening!

IMG_9749The hike up clearly was not as exhilarating as the climb down as we had already seen the trail and we were just headed back to the car to hit the road.  However, the beauty of this trail is that a good part of it is set between massive red boulders, especially towards the highest point of the trail.

Waiting for us at the parking was one of the 2 wallabies we had deemed to be “drunk” when we saw them on our way in.  It was used to humans enough to be petted and still stay put.

Tasmanian Wine on Our Path

As with the prior day’s hike, what followed was lunch.  We ate at the bistro at the lodge where I enjoyed fish and chips and a fantastic mixed salad.  Oh, and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc for good measure.  With that, we started our 3 hr drive to Hobart but we quickly found out that the Milton winery, whose wine we had enjoyed the night before, was about 40 minutes away from the lodge and on our way to Hobart to boot!  We stopped at the winery where we got to sample their Pinot Grigio, Rose, Riesling, Iced Riesling, Gewurztraminer, and the Pinot Noir (not in that order!).  They were all decent wines but the Riesling was not quite like the German Rieslings I am used to; does not mean it was not good but not what I was expecting.  However, the Iced Riesling was simply delicious so I bought a bottle – not sure when I would drink it or how far I could carry it with me but I was willing to take the risk!

Wrapping Up the Day and the Trip in Hobart

The drive to Hobart was on the Tasman Highway which gave us a glimpse on the beauty of the east coast of the island.  It was a nice way to wrap up exploring…

On the way back to Hobart on the east coast

We did not have much time left for Hobart but did follow a Lonely Planet recommendation for a restaurant.  The restaurant was called Da Angelo and it was located in the Battery Park area.  I had the carbonara which was close to the best I have ever had (maybe number 2 after a place in Rome near the Vatican).  I could not eat the entire serving though I so badly wanted to eat every bit of it!

With that and our early morning flight on the next day, our long weekend in Tasmania came to a close.  I was wishing my trip had been for even longer so I could spend even more time in Tasmania but I am finding that I am feeling that way pretty much about every place so far in this trip…  I am astounded when I am told that New Zealand scenery will be even more impressive so I am eager to get there to check it out.  In the meantime, I will continue exploring Melbourne and hanging out with my friends whose idea it was to explore Tasmania together – for which I am very thankful!

Tasmania deserves being explored though it may be far for many of us and it does deserve more days than we could give it.  The folks there are super friendly and the scenery will indeed leave you wanting more.

(Pictures taken with Canon EOS Rebel)


  1. Heather says

    absolutely gorgeous!

  2. i have always been taken by the photos at Wineglass Bay! you did it again, Raul.

  3. travelrinserepeat says

    You could PET the wallabies? Is this common in Tasmania?

    • They were wild and just there. Not sure if that was smart but it was so weird that they looked drunk or high. We couldn’t understand if that was normal (maybe a semi-sleep state?) but it did make it easy to pet them!

  4. This post had me at wine… 😉 I am a sucker for water + mountains – the first pic is beautiful!!

  5. I never heard of this place before discovering it here… so much to see in this world. And love the fact you had great carbonara.
    stay adventurous, Craig

  6. What an incredible day!…and I agree with Lola… you pet a wallabie!?

  7. sooo this is pretty much the perfect day. wine + water = count us in.

  8. I so am adding this to my future dream Australian trip! Great post.

    • Like I told you before you went NZ, you will love Tasmania too – maybe not exactly in the same way but just about! It’s hard to top the southern island of NZ!

  9. Oh, I can’t wait to visit Tasmania. It looks absolutely stunning!

  10. There have been a few trips where I have been thankful to return, but not many. Usually it was because of some near cataclysmic force of nature like an almost tornado. With the pictures posted I can see why you would not want this trip to end.

  11. Francesca says

    Incredible stuff! I did not make it to Tasmania on my Australian trip but so wish I had. I’ve heard the hiking is top-notch and that the wine is fantastic, just as you say here.

    • Indeed they both are! I was totally surprised by the wines being so good – I didn’t go expecting I was going to learn about wines!

  12. Looks absolutely beautiful! I haven’t been to Tasmania yet, but I was in New Zealand two years ago, wish I had made the trip here at that time.

  13. Sandsurfing?! That’s wicked. I haven’t been to Tasmania yet but it looks beautiful.
    Kieu ~ GQ trippin recently posted..Shanghai: Dumpling DuelMy Profile

    • Yes on what really shouldn’t be called a “dune” as it wasn’t one technically (as if I know the technical definition!). It was fun just playing as we admired the bay!


  1. […] https://ilivetotravel.me/2009/06/16/wineglass/:  around Wineglass Bay and ending in Hobart Cradle Mountain Colorful trail Around the lodge Share this:TwitterFacebookStumbleUponDiggTumblrPinterestEmailRedditPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]

  2. […] Wineglass Bay and ending in Hobart – read more here. Cradle Mountain(Captured with Canon EOS Rebel) Colorful trail(Captured with Canon EOS Rebel) […]

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